A brief word...
Of the Gifts of Caine

Of the Gifts of Caine


Mark ye that a Mortal who,

marked with the Power of another Cainite,

does a thing, yea verily

He does it as if that Childe of Caine did it,

and that Kindred will pay the price

of crime or retribution, just as

he had done the thing, for in this way,

there is an Accounting to be made,

and the Children of Seth not be

merely swords in the hands of dark strangers.15


Mark well the threefold drinking, the Bond

of Blood, and let those of Seth's Children with great skill,

come to serve the Children of Caine,

as it is we are the first part of Wisdom,

and should be served.16


As well, in Blood Bonds,

know that there is no greater Bond

than Caine has with his Childer,

and through Me, all chains are broken,

all shackles are shattered.17


Mark well the Children of the One Above,

the Cherubs, the Seraphs, the Archangels,

for their touch will burn you as does

the Flame of Michael.18


Mark well the Children of the One Below,

the Serpent's Kin, for their touch will burn you as well,

and their tongues will delude and deceive you.19


In need, you may feed the Beasts of the field,

of your Blood, and husband them: they will grow

strong and loyal, but beware of the Beast

with the Beast within, and feed not a Hunger

that may not abate.