A Brief Word 
on The Chronicle
The Chronicle of Secrets 5

The Awakening of the Dark Father


There will come a time,

when the heads of three Princes

will watch the burning of the dawn

on a pillar of white.16

There will come a time

when an ancient hunger will awaken

deep in the northern woods

and consume all her childer


There will come a time

when an Elder Darkness will stir

deep below a city which has forgotten

and will surprise the Elder, its children.


Of these signs, you will know,

the Dark Father, bastard of Caine,

will awaken, and drink deep of blood

sacrificed to it


Of these signs, you will know

that the time has come to lay claim

to your Clan`s safety,

to fight the Dark Father.


On these signs, you must know,

that Gehenna waits, even at the door,

as an actor waits in the wings

It is coming! It is near!


Shine black the sun!

Shine blood the moon!

Gehenna is coming soon